Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Michael Laws – my opinion in the third person

As a mayor he is supposed to be the objective one…the one that is the mediator between different parties.
He is the leader in a democratic state. Where opposites fight, he should be the one finding middle ground; finding a solution that all parties can live with.
He runs his town based on information provided by a few or just his own ideas and opinions. He does not research a lot, he finds the information that supports his claims and runs with it. He does not really care about the opinion ‘on the street’ or even the opinion of ‘the experts’. He certainly does not care about the people he abuses with his strong and often bias words. Whether it is small school children, the parents of a child that recently died or the local community expressing another opinion than his; he is just plain rude. He calls people that don’t agree with him stupid, naïve or dumb and refuses to respond to the arguments they make. He tries to find solutions to issues like crime and poverty…his solution is to offer money to guys with low income and bad illegal habits to get themselves castrated so they will not procreate…
He gets caught breaking the law himself and comes up with an excuse…the same excuse he would himself tear apart if it was not about him. How irresponsible the parents were in his mind for letting their son ride on a quad… there for he even said it was their fault and they were bad parents… yet, not having his own child in a seatbelt or child seat is a TOTALLY different matter to him. He finds it easy to bend his opinions and the rules to whatever suits him best at the time.
He is even given a stage to do it on as well. He has his own radio show and has no moral boundaries while expressing his opinions on the radio. Not only does he abuse his power as a radio host but he also ‘redefines’ the objectivity a major should have. More and more people seem to notice his bluntness and hypocrisy but nobody really wants to deal with it.
One might wonder why nothing is done about it. Why he is still in a position of power whilst insulting people and even expressing thoughts very similar to a Austrian man living in Germany in the 1930’s and ‘40s…The world knows what the results were when we did not pay enough attention to THAT man. But we are not responding to what is happening in New Zealand….
Is he getting what he wants? Is attention all he wants or is the power and fame he is gaining the true reason behind all this?
I wonder why these questions about him do not rise more often.

1 comment:

Captain Dumbass said...

Sounds like it's time for an election.